Author: Florian Gabriel

We are thrilled that FortisBC features REALice in one of their energy conservation commercials. The 30-second clip, featuring Jim Kobialko, the Conservation & Energy Management Program Manager for Fortis BC, has been posted on the web and is also being shown on TV. Reducing Costs and...

"Moisture is in the air" The humidity in a rink is always changing. The outside weather conditions, the number of spectators and players, open doors, gates and garage doors are all contributors to humidity, as are longer seasons with the ice staying in all year round. Of course, using...

One of the things we see is that most facilities, although they’re increased their temps, aren’t running their ice warm enough yet. Checking to see if there are ridges between the resurfacer lanes is one of the best indicators of whether your ice is freezing too...

Calling all FortisBC commercial rate class natural gas customers and FortisBC commercial electric customers   By using REALice and saving over 1,200 gigaojoules of natural gas annually, your facility may be eligible for rebates covering 30% or more of your project costs. That’s like buying 3 REALice systems and getting...