Author: Florian Gabriel

 VANCOUVER – March 8, 2017 – The District Municipality of Kitimat is the second municipality in British Columbia to convert all its arenas to REALice cold water resurfacing technology. By making the decision to install a REALice System at both the Tamitik Arena and Kitimat Ice...

City of Kamloops: A Happy REALice Customer is a Repeat Customer  Kamloops City Council has approved the purchase of two REALice Systems for the McArthur Island Sports and Event Centre in Kamloops, BC. This makes the City of Kamloops a repeat REALice customer, having installed their first REALice System...

VANCOUVER - REALice® has been installed at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex in City of Williams Lake in 2014. Garry Breck, Facility Maintenance Coordinator, speaks about his experience with the system: "If you can afford the Real Ice system it makes a lot of sense to put it in. The only draw backs...