04 Oct REALice Cools Cost – Video from the City of Nanaimo
We get a great deal of amazing customer feedback, but this YouTube video from the City of Nanaimo was quite the nice surprise. And just take a look at their ice!!!...
We get a great deal of amazing customer feedback, but this YouTube video from the City of Nanaimo was quite the nice surprise. And just take a look at their ice!!!...
This summer, REALice was installed in the Nanaimo Ice Centre and now maintenance workers resurface their 2 NHL-sized ice sheets with cold water. Speaking about the impact the REALice system has for the City of Nanaimo, Scott Pamminger (Manager, Infrastructure Planning and Energy with the City...
The City of Nanaimo was looking for opportunities to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This summer, REALice was installed in the Nanaimo Ice Centre and now maintenance workers resurface their 2 NHL-sized ice sheets with cold water. When Scott Pamminger (Manager, Infrastructure Planning and Energy...
As part of Enbridge's Ice Resurfacing Initiative, the George Bell arena, in Toronto ON qualified for a rebate to cover 50% of the cost of REALice technology. Major findings of this success story: Natural gas savings - estimated natural gas savings of 14,366 m3; Electricity savings...
In 2014, FortisBC ran a large scale pilot project that introduced REALice technology in 10 ice arenas across BC. According to FortisBC, together, the 10 participating ice arenas reduced their energy consumption by 2,900 gigajoules per year! That’s like taking 714 cars off the road annually. Click...
May 1, 2017 - Trico Centre for Family Wellness (Calgary, AB), a busy year-round multi-use recreation facility with twin NHL-sized ice rinks, has purchased and installed a REALice system to resurface their ice with unheated water. This community-owned non-profit takes pride in operating their facility...
Oak Bay Rec Centre is located just outside Victoria, British Columbia. It has a multi-user arena facility that is open all year round and the ice is resurfaced on average 8 times per day. The Oak Bay Rec Centre operations team has committed to a strategic energy management program...
Arena technical and maintenance supervisor Barry Richards tells how REALice works with the existing reclaim heat at the Pearkes Arena in Saanich, BC....
Toronto's George Bell Arena is now using REALice-treated water sourced straight from the cold water tap at 5.7°C to resurface their ice - a dramatic change from the 57°C they used to use for resurfacing their ice...
VANCOUVER - REALice® has been installed at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex in City of Williams Lake in 2014. Garry Breck, Facility Maintenance Coordinator, speaks about his experience with the system: "If you can afford the Real Ice system it makes a lot of sense to put it in. The only draw backs...