
"Ice arenas are costly operations  -- and it can be challenging to balance the budget," says Florian Gabriel of REALice Canada, "you need to invest to make something happen. That's exactly what our customers are doing. They're investing today to save money tomorrow." Just like Armstrong Spallumcheen Parks...

Armstrong ice system saves money Armstrong Spallumcheen Parks and Recreation has invested in a brand new REALice system. Just in time for the upcoming season, the Nor-Val Sports Centre has built its ice from scratch with unheated water. This switch will not only save the community thousands of...

Luxembourg - Last week, the National Hockey League  (NHL) had meetings at several different venues all over the USA. Columbus, Ohio was where the Facility Operations Managers were meeting, and Håkan Grönlund from Luxembourg-based H2O Vortex S.A. was there, presenting how low energy REALice® technology can make a difference to their ice quality, consistency, bottom line...

Even though we recommend building your ice from scratch using water treated with REALice, we realize that this isn't always possible or practical. That's why it is also possible to apply REALice on existing ice and our Best Practices are continually evolving, based on situations...