Working Environment Ice Arena

By resurfacing the ice rink using water of a lower temperature, 15-20ºC (50-68ºF), against a normal temperature of about 40-50ºC (140-160ºF), less moisture and condensation will form in the rink which results in better ice quality and less corrosion.

Working Environment


The ice must maintain a high level of quality. Conditions vary from rink to rink. Laying, taking care of, and ice maintenance is not the same thing in an “event arena” as it is in an “ice barn ”.

The experience, commitment, and expertise of the staff constitute another important factor in resurfacing the ice rink and producing great ice.

Using a REALice® System gives ice technicians a better working environment as the ice made from cold vortex-treated water freezes faster, forms less condensation and overall reduces arena ice maintenance.