What Makes a Great Ice Resurfacer?

What Makes a Great Ice Resurfacer?


Driving an ice-resurfacing machine is easy, right?

Whether it’s a Zamboni, Olympia, Engo, or WM ice resurfacing machine, no, it is not!

Les Quinton, former Parks & Recreation Manager at Oilfields Regional Arena in Diamond Valley explains in one minute why this multitasking job is more demanding than many might think.

Zamboni, Olympia, Engo, or WM drivers have to be experts in running a pattern, adjusting the ice, adjusting the blade, and adjusting the water. If everybody does that properly then you are not doing all the maintenance that otherwise would be required.

And — Les and his team have been using REALice since 2016, reducing their floodwater temperature by 70°F. If you’d like to know more about how you can save energy, CO2 emissions, and Carbon Taxes by changing how your floodwater is treated, send us an email. We’ll be happy to put a custom rink savings profile together for your facility.

