23 Oct The importance of wash water
If you have wash water on your ice resurfacer, use it for every ice make!
Many ice resurfacing machines are equipped with wash water, but not everyone uses it. Here is why it’s especially important for REALice customers:
You may be using straight cold water, or you may be tempering it a bit. In any case, the colder flood water doesn’t melt the snow in the scars and gouges the way the hot water floods. Using wash water will clean them out.
If you don’t use wash water, or if your machine isn’t equipped with that functionality, you’ll need to shave even more to keep the ice scar-free and clear. Not shaving will create layers of scars on your ice, making the lines and logos harder to see.
So use wash water — and shave — every time you make a sheet/do a flood/do an ice make.