04 Oct Happy users, saving money and a good morning routine
“When my user groups are happy, I’m happy!” That’s what Tyler Shores, Grounds Specialist at Colby College, says about the skaters at the Jack Kelley Rink in Waterville, ME. The 4-year-old rink transitioned from hot water floods to REALice this summer. And everyone is pleased with the ice AND the savings.
Much warmer ice temperatures
In this one-minute YouTube short, Tyler packs a whole lot of detail into a very short amount of time. He’s blunt about what he thinks of their REALice ice. He reveals the temperatures they’re now running their ice at — numbers that might shock you — and he tells you what he’s doing each morning to set the ice up for success all day long.
Colby Mules, Ice Quality and Sustainability
Happy user groups are important to Colby College. With a Men’s hockey program that’s over 100 years old and a Women’s program that’s over 50 years old, great ice is important to this NCAA Division III facility – as is sustainability. REALice brings both.