19 Jun Cold Water vs. Hot Water
Here at REALice Canada, we are often asked, how does REALice compare to using hot water when resurfacing the ice rink? That is a good question and we thought it is best answered with a comparison chart – as shown above.
Ice Quality
REALice enables you to make great ice at much lower temperatures. The quality of ice produced is equal to using hot water or even better. Some famous users even prefer the ice made with REALice as you can find out from this short interview from the Mayor’s Megawatt Challenge webinar that was recorded in May this year.
Less maintenance
REALice also reduces the arena ice maintenance. Watch Cam Coulter from the Mayfield Recreation Centre talk about saving time maintaining his ice.
Reduced Compressor Run-times Equals Reduce Cost
Because of the changed properties in the water, the brine/glycol settings have to be reset by 3°F – 5°F. This means less compressor run time. Watch Michael Knight from the Sardis Sports Complex talks about reduced run-time by 5000 hours per year.
Natural Gas Savings
Using water at much lower temperatures saves natural gas. FortisBC verified the REALice technology through a large scale pilot and assessed that on average 330 GJ or 8,709 m3 of natural gas can be avoided. That’s a reduction of 79%!
Electricity Savings
In 2019, the Town of Caledon, ON performed an M&V on their REALice installation and assessed that 84,188 kWh of electricity is saved. Cristina Guido, the Acting Manager of Energy for the Town of Caledon presents her findings here.
Reduced Greenhouse Gases
With reduced natural gas and electric consumption, there are CO2 savings. Depending on the Province or Territory and the source of electricity the reduction per sheet per year ranges from 18 – 50t.
Funding Sources
REALice qualifies for incentives from various utilities and funding programs.
Would you like to see more operator success stories?
Watch the replay of the Mayors Megawatt Challenge Webinar featuring 6 Arena operators sharing their experience with the REALice system.
Contact us for a free rink savings estimate.